Hi, thank you very much
Thank you very much, I know how to plot in matplotlib but I would like to know if there is a way to export the data and obtain a better...
Thank you very much. I’ll try it
I’ll upload it immediately
import deepxde as dde import numpy as np def ddy(x, y): return dde.grad.hessian(y, x) def pde(x, y): dy_xx = ddy(x, y) eq=tf.reduce_sum(dy_xx**2-y,axis=1) return eq def boundary_l(x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and...
Thank you, so what can I use?
Ok, thank you. Then, I’ll make some other attemps if it won’t work I’ll remain just with the strong form
Hi prakaharma, thank you, I have already solved it using the 4-th order ODE and it works correctly, I was thinking about using the energy approach because it is more...
Ok, thank you very much