Stay in Player selecting page, and there is no button to enter the game. the error is as below: IOException: SFileReadFile failed StormLib.MpqFileStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) (at...
the Jitter version code is really cool, but it's not so general platform, Could author provide the PyTorch version, especially the training code?
It's really nice work you guys have done! As the PyTorch version is mentioned as ""PyTorch version coming soon”, So when could we got this PyTorch version to study?
Dear Nice working! I would like to try the experiments in chapter 4.3 Driving Scenes, while your sample code just is MNIST only. Could you help to provide that? BRs,...
For registered ID, why the confidence score is >1 sometimes?
The dataset lies on ** /data/lxy_home/data/face_anti_data/**
Any document about how to run your code?