I started to work on that. From what I see, selectivzr is only working in synchronous mode, and for XDomainRequeset we need asynchronous. Do you know it there is a...
I think it's the same problem as
I solved the problem like this :
I think it's the same problem as
Identical message under Linux. By removing the --stdin-path option, by executing the command directly in a console, it works.
I replaced in the file server/src/linter.js at line 124 > lintArgs.push(\`--stdin-path=${filePath}\`); by > lintArgs.push(\`${filePath}\`); It work with phpcs 3.3.0 of php 7.2.4
Thank. This worked for me too.
Hello, You can get this error if the password stored in the temboard.conf file is not correct. This can happen if the script is run a second time, as...