Hugo Granström

Results 161 comments of Hugo Granström

Thanks 😄 That sound very reasonable, the built-in layers are shared_ptrs so making nullptr default for them makes sense but not for us. So the question is what to put...

Something as easy as removing the default value altogether seems to have stopped the compiler from complaining at least: `Net net1;`. Sometimes it's so easy 🤣 Don't know if it...

Yeah exactly 👍 Idk tbh. We are kind of handling the default values ourselfs in our generated `init` proc so it seems unnecessary to try and make the generated C++...

Agreed! Both because it is simpler and because I don't want to start over 🤪

Tested it and initializing nested Nets seems to work (tomorrow is another day, namely today :P) Something that doesn't work is defining custom Nets in one file and importing it...

Have done some further testing with nesting now and it doesn't seem to work unless we register the subnet and it seems to expect a shared_ptr to a net. So...

No, I mean when we want to access the fields of our Nets (in the `forward` proc mostly). If our Net is a `shared_ptr` (it's a wrapper around a shared...

Sorry for spamming, just want to get my thoughts down in writing while they are on the top of my head. Here's how it works in C++: ```cpp struct LinearImpl...

Here comes a bit more rambling from me. I've thought a bit more about this and I think doing it the `torch::nn::ModuleHolder` way is the way to go. And the...

Of course, Nim doesn't like it when we use inherited types as generic types 🤣:P Have to find another way to do this it seems.