
Results 14 issues of HugoGit39

Hi first of all great package! However I have an issues with hiding the legend....adding: plot + theme(legend.title = element_blank()) doesnt seem to work....adding show.legend = F to the aes...

Hi So I have the current workflow: A shiny app where a user signs in via Firebase. Once signed it, I have an `observeEvent `that observes the sign in where...

Hi When you use `here()` it starts in the wrong working directory when a **RECURRING** cronjob is set using the [cronr ]( With a **ONCE** executed cronjob it does work...

Hi So let me begin that its not a real bug, but more a question for help: From the `rangespread() `function I see that a google sheet can be read...

Hi @DivadNojnarg I am not sure if this is a bs4dash or sever thingy.... the `box=TRUE `option doesnt work, see also: ``` library(shiny) library(sever) library(bs4Dash) ui

Hi the dropwdown-menu with notifications opens at the right side on mobile outisde the view in stead of right. With Shinydashboard it does opens at the left: ``` library(shiny) library(bs4Dash)...

Hi I have a shared file to everyone in google drive...why do I still need to authenticate using `drive_read_raw` ? If this is true..why?...and is it possible to change that?...

Hi How do i read in files from GD into the R environment? Cause by downloading its saved locally but doesnt show up in R

Hi I wonder if its possible to add additional info or text to `firebaseUIContainer`. I would like to add 1 line of text. Is that possible or is this a...

Hi I am trying to install emayili on an Ubuntu server with R version 4.2 but i get below error, how come? On my Win R4.3 emayili works perfectly. ```...