Huang Junjie
Huang Junjie
Hi, I am undertaking this feature. Currently, rescaling\cropping\rotating of multi-view images has not been implemented in all mmlab repos, as far as I know. I wonder can mmdet3d support this...
Hi, @Tai-Wang I recommend using a wrapper like this: ` @PIPELINES.register_module() class MultiViewWrapper(): def __init__(self, Transform): self.t = build_from_cfg(Transform, PIPELINES) def __call__(self, input_dict): for img_id in range(len(input_dict['img'])): process_dict = dict(img=input_dict['img'][img_id])...
By the way, random rotation is missing in mmdetection.... 'Rotate' only supports rotating images on a fixed scale~
support memonger :
@jin-s13 ok map_location= 'cpu' can not help avoiding the extra gpu memory consumption when using >pretrained='', it works only when I downloaded the Pretrained Model and used a local address: >pretrained="/mnt/cephfs/algorithm/junjie.huang/models/mmpose/hrnet_w32-36af842e.pth",...
Evaluating bboxes of pts_bbox mAP: 0.3019 mATE: 0.6910 mASE: 0.2724 mAOE: 0.5373 mAVE: 0.8583 mAAE: 0.2334 NDS: 0.3917 Eval time: 106.4s Per-class results: Object Class AP ATE ASE AOE AVE...
#20 mAP: 0.3049 mATE: 0.6762 mASE: 0.2743 mAOE: 0.5235 mAVE: 0.9782 mAAE: 0.2653 NDS: 0.3807 Eval time: 103.4s Per-class results: Object Class AP ATE ASE AOE AVE AAE car 0.509...
mAP: 0.3082 mATE: 0.6647 mASE: 0.2729 mAOE: 0.5329 mAVE: 0.8286 mAAE: 0.2053 NDS: 0.4036 Eval time: 107.3s Per-class results: Object Class AP ATE ASE AOE AVE AAE car 0.508 0.535...