Huang Ham
Huang Ham
got it. Thanks! Sorry a follow-up question. So now as we are running'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 8}), we get an error: 220601-15:25:56,686 nipype.workflow INFO: Workflow work_preproc settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']...
It worked! Thanks. However we kinda ran into another issue: No files were found matching anat template: /Users/jenkinslab-adm/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/fMRI_sara/output/work_preproc/_subject_id_17/selectfiles/data/sub-17/anat/sub17_T1w.nii.gz where the correct directory for our T1 file is: /Users/jenkinslab-adm/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/fMRI_sara/data/sub-17/anat/sub17_T1w.nii.gz somehow nipype...
amazing! It worked. Another question just to be sure: If I use SPM on Nipype, for example sliceTiming, I will not only need to install matlab on my computer, but...
Oh! I see I see. Thank you very much! It has been super helpful!!
Sorry to bother you again. I encountered another weird error as I was trying to use SPM standalone. So I downloaded the SPM12 standalone and installed the MCR. However when...
Oh I figured out why. that the wiki page is outdated for new mac operating systems. See below:;%20charset=iso-8859-1&pending=
Sorry i thought I fixed it. But I only fixed it with respect to if I run print(spm.SPMCommand().version), it gives me the correct SPM version. However when I run my...
Ah! How can I have forgotten that. Thanks so much satra!
Sorry I got stuck at Normalize12. I got the error: Node normalize.a1 failed to run without any other clear error message. My workflow is: normalize = Node(spm.Normalize12(write_voxel_sizes=[2, 2, 2]), name="normalize")...
looks like the cause is that I must set the jobtype to 'write'. Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe normalize12() itself can do segmentation? So the defaute estwrite can only...