That's what I see too. Therefore I'd like to test various FFR settings, but as long as I don't understand the logic of the overrideSingleEyeOrder string, I don't know how...
Here's my log (ED Horizons, OVR + vrperfkit, dxgi.dll from january 15). It runs, but performance is worse than in SteamVR. I too did not find a way to set...
I don't understand what these patterns refer to. Like what's the differnece between RL, RLRL, RLRLRL and so on? What happens is that instead of more or less circular areas...
Here's a video of the foveated rendering in ED using overrideSingleEyeOrder LRLRLR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OShjJhrOevU As you can see the peripheral area is rendered at lower resolution as it should and the...
In LeishmanBeddoesSGC::calcSeparated(), line 119 and 123, the time constants Tvl_ and Tv_ seem to be interchanged compared to Sheng's paper. Also, DF_ in line 227 should depend on Tv_, not...
I am not using the turbinesFoam models directly but I am trying to implement a B-L model with the SGC and some other modifications, mostly to cover the +-180° AOA...
After digging more through papers, it seems like SGC actually use T_v instead of T_f and vortex strength is indeed proportional to f'' - f. I still get much lower...
Thanks. With incorrect order you mean the macros themselves or the execution of the pressed/released action within the macros? Say I assign "E" for entering the range and "L" for...