Not sure if this is still relevant, I got it to work by moving the certificate to a read/write folder (/Documents for iOS) in stead of /Application which is read-only....
@nickcom My certificate is located in the Documents folder, in a folder called "certificates" that I created myself with cordova fileSystem api. So: Documents/certificates/mecert.p12 Documents = cordova.file.applicationDirectory (if I recall...
Hey @nickcom this is the code I use: ``` authenticateCertificate: (certificatePath, password) => { const cordova = window.cordova, resolveLocalFileSystemURL = window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL, clientCertificate = window.clientCertificate; const certPath = certificatePath; // ./static/media/myCert.pem
Hey make sure to check out the following: I had to install version 0.38 to make the image picker work again. edit: Alternatively you can add this `` to...