Hossein Salahshoor Gavalan

Results 6 issues of Hossein Salahshoor Gavalan

Hi, I'm trying to create a word augmenter using glove. This is my code: `import nlpaug.augmenter.word.word_embs as nawwe` `aug = nawwe.WordEmbsAug(model_type='glove',model_path='/content/drive/MyDrive/data/Glove/glove.6B.300d.txt', action = 'insert')` (I'm reading the glove .txt file...

Hi, I have two questions regarding the candidate parameter: 1) Where can I find explanations about this exciting parameter?! I have no idea how does it affect the results! 2)...

## ❓ Hello, I'm new to Captum and have a couple of questions about it (I couldn't find relevant tutorials). I'm going to design a bert network with a classifier...

Hello, I've written a Bert model with a fc layer for a classification task. This is my codes: ![bert](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79316338/209481007-d8fc5f24-2e61-45a9-85ba-75a1d980bffc.png) But when I want to use my model to `SequenceClassificationExplainer` it...

I've just been introduced to your package (it is so helpful). I have a question regarding the classification explainer. I've fine-tuned a distilbert model on a specific dataset with my...

Hi, I would like to use your methodology for my dataset. Could you please generate a toy example that works in colab? Many thanks in advance.