James Hall
James Hall
Links include: - Download - https://ubuntu.com/blog/48-of-people-unaware-their-iot-devices-pose-a-security-threat - Download - https://ubuntu.com/blog/automating-server-provisioning-in-phoenixnaps-bare-metal-cloud-with-maas-metal-as-a-service - Here - https://ubuntu.com/blog/edge-ai-in-a-5g-world-part-1-how-smart-cell-towers-will-change-our-lives - Here - https://ubuntu.com/blog/edge-ai-in-a-5g-world-part-2-why-make-the-cell-tower-smart - Here - https://ubuntu.com/blog/edge-ai-in-a-5g-world-part-3-why-smart-cell-towers-matter-to-ai This affects 90 pages
HTML tables need to ensure they are using the correct markup. For example https://ubuntu.com/blog/a-snap-confined-shell-based-on-mir-mircade has no thead or th. This is the same for other pages including: - https://ubuntu.com/blog/blender-support-from-canonical -...
These include: - https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you - https://ubuntu.com/openstack/install - https://ubuntu.com/robotics - https://ubuntu.com/robotics/community All forms need a full review, I advise a patter library review to ensure all elements are reviewed.
The hidden element and its contents are not voiced by a screen reader, but the contents contain an element with tabindex set or active a, button, input, select and textarea...
IDs include: - `id=contact-form-container` on https://ubuntu.com/16-04/azure - `id=category-filter` on https://ubuntu.com/certified - `id=webinar` on https://ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/1.19/upgrading - `id=fixes` and `id=whats-new` on https://ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/1.22/release-notes We have a full list of pages as this affects...
Link text: Community Example URLs - https://ubuntu.com/ - https://ubuntu.com/16-04 - https://ubuntu.com/16-04/azure Example: `Community` Full list can be provided in CSV
IDs not found include: - `` - `` - `` Example URLS - https://ubuntu.com/certified/desktops?offset=0 - https://ubuntu.com/certified/desktops?release=16.04%20LTS - https://ubuntu.com/blog/wslconf-the-first-conference-dedicated-to-windows-subsystem-for-linux-goes-virtual This may need to change to aira-label
The ID was not found: #menu-4 `` Example URLS - https://ubuntu.com/appliance/adguard/intel-nuc - https://ubuntu.com/appliance/adguard/raspberry-pi - https://ubuntu.com/appliance/adguard/raspberry-pi2
It is advised to not have complex and large tables and to avoid merged cells. On https://ubuntu.com/security/cves there is a complex pattern with extremely large table. We would advise: -...
When a keyboard user selects the enter key on any of the files on the table the form is submitted (correct behaviour) but when the user is selecting enter on...