James Hall
James Hall
List of affected URLs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XsnflMUptvmMu9TKVGiRXiSL1BzPTQFFhgmLnKNWobE/edit#gid=0 Example URLs - https://ubuntu.com/ - https://ubuntu.com/16-04 - https://ubuntu.com/16-04/azure Example code: ``
List of affected URLs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12PCiksNMTyIrb2jEbXkCrj4thtPg5eng5rYPexCAObE/edit?usp=sharing A programmatically determined name allows screen readers to tell users what the control does. To add a name do one of the following: Add text...
Full set of URLs provided. [Link is broken. The src or href is an empty string.csv](https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/ubuntu.com/files/9214028/Link.is.broken.The.src.or.href.is.an.empty.string.csv)
Do not remove the default outline style, and change any border styles to avoid obscuring the focus outline around focusable elements. Using a border or outline style that obscures the...
The white on orange and the orange on grey need contrast improving to 4.5:1 
Moving through list items using the arrow keys will jump to another page unexpectedly. Example URLs: - https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs - https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs/16-18/cc - https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs/16-18/cis ``
Add a title attribute or ARIA label to each iframe and frame element (e.g. title='Main Content'). Without a title some screen readers read out the frame filename, which is usually...
Add text to the label describing the associated control. Example URLs: - https://ubuntu.com/blog/getting-started-with-ai - https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-domotz-streamlined-provisioning-of-iot-devices-2 - https://ubuntu.com/blog/interana-uses-esm-to-maintain-system-security-while-upgrading-its-customers-to-ubuntu-18-04-lts-across-public-clouds - https://ubuntu.com/blog/openstack-and-containers-live-qa-session Full list of URLs can be provided this affects 110 pages.
Remove the text-decoration:none property from your link styles, or add other style attributes in addition to color changes to make links visible to people without color vision. Example URLs: -...
On accordions there needs to be spaces between attributes. On https://ubuntu.com/certified/201406-15238 for example the tabs need a small break out `Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit`