Horace And The Spider
Horace And The Spider
I don’t but I’ll get on the case :)
Syntax appears to have changed - backwards compatibility would be ideal, otherwise we will need to update the custom files in the XML builder (which we can do) ```joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_b=F5```. new...
More old syntax ``` joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_dpad_up=Cursor Up joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_dpad_down=Cursor Down joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_dpad_left=Left Alt joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_left_shoulder=N joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_north=ESC joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_south=Space joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_east=Right Alt joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_west=Return joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_start=F1 joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_right_shoulder=Y ``` vs new ``` joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_a= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_b= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_x= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_y= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_start= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_leftshoulder= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_rightshoulder= joyport0_amiberry_custom_none_dpup=...
we do already have a gfx in mind, but maybe it is something that could have several options (if the layout can be tabled in some way) www.djcresswell.com/amigaonline/AmigaKeyboardPSP.png
The transparency would be added by the graphics drawing routine - should be no need to have it on the picture itself, so in theory anything could be used. It...
> @midwan Thanks for the quick fix. > > Despite this is closed already, some remarks: :-) > > * Obitus should run fine with fixed data-dir > * Battle...
update: 'emulating' keyboard presses isnt really a go-er due to the fact it will differ heavily on every platform. However, i have now managed to create a 'controller_as_keyboard' class, intialise...
I am away from the code as I write this but iirc `self.key_down_events` gets filled with keyboard events for your processing in input.py , so this is the problem really,...
Revisited and solved the above issues. i had to make so pretty ugly code to solve a 'holding down a button' issue, and in doing so i notice that Pyskool...
right, that did help thank you :) There shouldnt be any events which are not loaded in, as they are 'dumped' into the queue adjacent to the 'real' keyboard events......