
Results 5 issues of Pang

**System and Shadowsocksx-NG-R8 version:** - macOS 10.15.5 - Shadowsocksx-NG-R8 1.5.1 程序无法启动代理,未找到log日志。 追查启动代码`~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qiuyuzhou.shadowsocksX-NG.local.plist: Service is disabled` 发现`、、、`这些启动脚本中缺少参数 `-w` 导致的问题。 man launchctl ``` -w Overrides the Disabled key and sets it to...

- [x] I'm the package's author and/or maintainer. - [x] I have have read [the docs][1]. - [x] I have tagged a release with a [semver][2] version number. - [x]...

**问题描述 Describe the bug** 禁止forward的频道,link不能预览 **订阅信息 command Info** 请提供相关命令和信息,例如: /subscribe 优惠券,Booked
