9.0.0 broke inputs Use the snapshot build or activate the deprecated hid mitm in atmosphere's system_settings.ini
I don't get how that even matters for devs. That subrepo is for the CI and I doubt you have LIBNX defined to be in that directory.
3.0.1 still works for earlier Atmosphère versions and the path is not the only change as the pre-release contains an updated dmnt:cht.
I've looked at the source for half a minute and decided that you should implement that :P
I wasted a few hours years ago looking into how to trigger the screenshot notification but I couldn't get behind it. Did anyone else figure that out? What I do...
Ok did some poking around and it turns out it's not about the capture button but rather me blocking the buffer in vi. I currently don't see a way of...
I believe I never tested on a lower firmware than 8.0.0. I'll rewrite this after the next screen-nx release.
Do you use ulaunch by any chance?
Do you have a folder /atmosphere/contents/0100000000001001?
Might add the option to add tags to a default list so that users can search for their category on startup.