
Results 145 comments of HonkingGoose

### Pinning GitHub actions to SHAs and exact versions (e.g. v3.0.1 not v3) Easiest way to pin your GitHub Actions is to add `helpers:pinGitHubActionDigests` [^helpers] to the `extends` array in...

@aladdin-add I'd recommend this configuration in your `renovate.json` file: ```json { "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json", "extends": [ "config:recommended", ":dependencyDashboardApproval", "helpers:pinGitHubActionDigests", ":semanticCommitTypeAll(ci)" ] } ``` - `config:recommended` gives you the Renovate maintainers recommended...

## GitHub recommends you pin your actions > I prefer not to use it - to start with, I prefer to start with a minimal configuration, as currently we don't...

> Pinning your actions is harmful, because it prevents bug and security fixes from flowing into your CI. I assume you mean: prevents fixes from flowing into your CI _automatically_?...

@rarkins I wanted to tag this `datasource:github-runners` but that label is missing. Do you want to make a new label, or do you want to keep things as-is?

@viceice it's still in beta, I asked: - https://github.com/actions/runner-images/discussions/9283#discussioncomment-8410181

I renamed the issue, because we need to track when the macOS 14 runner gets out of beta, and then mark it as stable in our code. I also opened...

The [`actions/runner-images` repository's `README.md` file](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/blob/main/README.md) says the macOS 14 runners are out of beta. So we can mark them as stable in our code. Please also check if our code's...

This issue is marked `priority-2-high`. It should probably be assigned to somebody to work on. I'm _not_ going to work on this, because I would need to update the Jest...

This feature will need a new page in the docs, that explains what each mode does, how to see which mode is active and any warnings/gotchas. Also, it should be...