> So how is triggering the schedule? Is this the device itself? Yep! Accurate timekeeping in embedded systems is a very common thing. The Eve app sends the current time...
For the Eve Room v2 I've figured out the correct way to show the graphs for **ppb**, _not ppm_. The PPM based graphs also worked for me, but only with...
> From what I see it does. I can access my circle2 camera from the Eve app and the "light level" shows a reading in "lux". That sounds like an...
Also i've found two new characteristic that i'm interested in after i've exposed the Log Service/Characteristics for 'LightBulb' accessory type (aka **Eve Light Strip**): `Transitions - Quick, Default, Moderate, Calm...
Yep i’ve Xcode installed, HMC app isnt the problem, the biggest program is that i dont have any Eve accessories so i cant capture data at the monent🤓 Also i...
But i've found a custom characteristic for **Humidity** and **Temperature** and **Status** in Eve. Humidity `E863F122-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52` Temperature `E863F108-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52` Status `E863F150-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52` Status seems to be 'Data type' and assigned to **Eve...
I've found something: 😄 I've added `E863F11D` and `E863F131` Characteristics under Log Service. After that the two settings in Eve app appeared (Power on behavior and Transitions) When i set...
**Eve Thermo** `E863F12C`'s value set to `0011ff00 f22076` when performing a `Valve Protection` under the settings in Eve app. Setting `E863F12F` to this value will made the setting 'active'
Also I've found [Eve Window Guard](https://www.testberichte.de/p/elgato-tests/eve-window-guard-testbericht.html) when adding `Tampered` characteristic to "Eve Door" 😄 The strange thing is after i've added this characteristic, the accessory is no longer available at...
> Do you have the Characteristics UUID for Tilt detection? No, i can't find it at the moment but please note Eve Window Guard doesn't really exist and not released...