Results 21 comments of Hofi

Hi, any progress in this? I have the latest NSlogger from git built into my iOS app and using Version 1.8.3 Mac App installed. The Mac app configured to accept...

thanks! seems it's something on my work machine only as things on my personal macbook works like a charm. I'll try to figure out what could cause this on my...

it should be some corporate firewall rulz, nothing interesting, it simply timeouted in connnect -> Trying to open direct connection to host "my_correct_IP" port "my_correct_port" LoggerConfigureAndOpenStream configuring and opening log...

Same issue here - zsh - 5.9 - iTerm2 - 3.4.17 - macOS 13.0 Any chance to get this fixed? Could the usage of $memo everywhere the _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_LAST_HIGHLIGHT is referenced...

ok, meanwhile I double-checked, and yes, 5.9 ignores the "memo=token" It turned out, in my case, the problem was that I set my ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE to custom color code with CAPITAL...

thanks for the explanation! we agree it should be preserved, but actually, this does not happen :( is it reported already as a bug to the zsh developers?

> > I see that the CI is failing due to the light test case `test_pp_tls` failing, maybe a followup is needed here as well? (I haven't checked it thoroughly...

> > @alexb271 would you still work on this or should/may I try to finish? > > I'm not actively troubleshooting this right now, so of course you would be...

> The `Allow edits by maintainers` checkbox is already ticked on this PR, not sure what else would be needed for you to be able to add commits. Seems I...

> How do the settings look like for you here? > the invite worked, thanks for fixing the rights