> @HoLue how have you installed these packages? Yes
> No, I meant how did you installed it? As I have written at the beginning: I installed via GetIt Package manager in this order.: Python4Delphi PythonEnviroments Lightweight-Python-Wrappers -> Seems...
@ > @HoLue thanks! we'll look into this. After installing the package, have you tried restarting the runtime before running the python usage? No, I didn't - actually I don't...
> @HoLue no no..You don't have to reset.Just restart. But I just checked again and it works without restarting.. There might be some other issue. Is it still happening? Can...
> @HoLue okay thanks for the feedback! I didn't quite get which part is broken. Are you still seeing a cell that is throwing errors? When I run the tutorial.ipynb...