Hunter Young
Hunter Young
Terrific! I am excited to see how this new ORB_SLAM performs under fast rotations. On the downside, it is very new so there are bound to be bugs-galore. I wouldn't...
Hey, I saw that you committed your changes for using either orbslam 2 or 3. Super awesome turn around BTW. So a couple of questions, but first, the commits that...
I've attached the launch file I used (just remove the txt extension I had to do to allow github to upload the file) here. [rtabmap_vo.launch.txt]( Here is the gdb outputs...
Cool! Thanks for that. For my opencv problem, I don't think the `cv_bridge` dependencies is the issue, because I built a custom spin-off of the `cv_bridge` package (I call `cv4_bridge`)...
I'll share my fork of the orbslam3 and rtabmap repos once I create them (properly, since all the stuff I've been adding + metric-ton worth of debug prinouts were done...
So I've updated and pushed my local changes to my forked repos. I started reading the ORB_SLAM3 paper in detail. I was thinking about how you integrate orb slam by...