Daniel Hlaváček

Results 84 comments of Daniel Hlaváček

@hibatallahAouadni It's only partially solved, I reduced the time on customer view by approximately 15%.

Product Original image ✅ https://domain.cz/53832/waytoplay-silnice-highway-24-kusu.jpg Product Thumbnails ✅ https://domain.cz/53832-medium_default/waytoplay-silnice-highway-24-kusu.jpg https://domain.cz/53832-medium_default/waytoplay-silnice-highway-24-kusu.webp Category thumbnails - 403 forbidden 🔴 https://domain.cz/c/62-category_default/hracky-pro-holky.jpg

@PrestaShop/qa-team Related issue validated, can you put it to QA stage? Thanks!

@kpodemski Can this be QA by a dev?

@PierreRambaud Add this pls :-) A category with 9k products. ![Výstřižek](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6097524/112302052-e634bc00-8c9a-11eb-8a1e-cdc6681088e6.JPG) ![dsdad](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6097524/112302053-e6cd5280-8c9a-11eb-9bf5-8e4d5bde72b9.JPG)

@matks I get your point, we cannot scale indefinitely, but I think these are just design flaws that shows their roots only in "bigger" environment. Otherwise, even if the category...

Hi @hibatallahAouadni 1. Install this module [tox_layouttest.zip](https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/files/9293465/tox_layouttest.zip) 2. Go to backoffice > **Theme & logo** > bottom of the page **Choose layouts** and check that `category` and `layouttest` pages have...

It was added in this commit, but god knows why :D https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/2556d64f6e1cfd636dc4152dadc7ff61c5433cd7

Hi @hibatallahAouadni, I don't know how to show it more... 1. Open any prestashop store. 2. Open any CMS page, for example **Delivery** 3. You should see normal page. When...