HiuFung Kwok

Results 13 comments of HiuFung Kwok

Hi @robinst, I am willing to work on it. However as a newbie of both codebase and Commonmark spec. Just wanna clarify several points first to make sure I m...

Hi everyone, several commit have been made for let Both parser and doc parser class to accept multiple instances of InlineParser. 01f41492867e30ac067928989d1aaed679e9a735 9b28f867d156996ce5281301f7cd9bc18296d7ea e145fc521cd915a2a2cc10e09f95d65141636bcb My next thought would be alter...

@robinst First of all, thx for the reply. > I think it would still be useful to have a single class for parsing all the inlines. So more like a...

Hi everyone, I drafted a sample of how a `InlineContentParser` can be implements (32478ca54a3b94df070e564f853e0109cd0e6c7e). Basically what have done are first created a new `InlineContentParse` which have a `parse()` method. Which...

The below MR may give some hints also to this ticket, bumping Jersey to v3.1.x requires all Spark to comply with EE10 standards, as I have tried during the Jetty...

I did a global search on codebase, and I only see one occurance of `deny`, and I don't think that makes sense to swap it with prevent, hence we can...

Yes, the `MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES` and `RETRY_INTERVAL` are configurable, see: https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/configuration/PdbProperties.java#L195 When PDB encounter connection failure, it will attempt to reconnect according to the configuration set above. https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.java#L345 ` RetryLimitExceededException` will be...

Can you specify on this? Also I do not see more value of implement this feature. What's the use case you have in your mind?

I think this can be fixed by either following: https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/impl/H2Translator.java#L126 With either `for each`, see CockroachDB implementation: https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/impl/CockroachDBTranslator.java#L114 Or `Stream`, see MySql implementation: https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/impl/MySqlTranslator.java#L119

At the comment (v2.5.1), if any failure attempt of removing prepared statement will be logged: https://github.com/feedzai/pdb/blob/e7364e267518182ecab5da9e6fdc5659fee630f8/src/main/java/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.java#L1780 Yes, I do think the method should re-throw exception to let API user handle...