Thank you. but (Material Tab) has a scrollable tab ! why i use custom scrollview ?
Ok ,thank you buddy .
i see [PagerSlidingTabStrip]( his author extends his class to HorizontalScrollView !!! oh no way ! i should use HorizontalScrollView too. Anyway thank you
see this #47
Unfortunately not worked ! `columnChartData.setValueLabelTypeface(typeface);`
set `rippleAlpha` to 0
Works for me . ``` rippleLayout.setRippleOverlay(false); rippleLayout.setDefaultRippleAlpha(0); ```
All part of parent has `ripple `, we want to set `ripple `just for `cardview `with it's radius
@TechnologyMaster `RecyclerView` is not an `AdapterView`
i have an idea , extend `MaterialRippleLayout` to `CardView` instead of `FrameLayout` example : `public class MaterialRippleLayout extends CardView {` but it has a problem , It lefts a dot...