Yue Zhang

Results 12 comments of Yue Zhang


> 哦哦哦,感谢,可以更新一波readme 感谢建议!主要是HSK这个数据集我们没有版权,不太方便直接在主页给出链接,Lang8数据集都是可公开获取的

> Hi, thank you for your interest in our work. I'd recommend several things: > > 1. Following CNNDM setting may not always be suitable depending on the dataset you...

@Hannibal046 Thanks a lot!

> Thanks @Hannibal046 for the comment. > > Hi @HillZhang1999, I'm not very familiar with GEC but I think your observation makes sense. It's very critical to have **diverse** candidates...

> That's a good suggestion. Indeed, tokenization may require heavy CPU usage. I don't see how updating AlllenNLP can help. Maybe you have a suggestion on how we can optimize...

> > > That's a good suggestion. Indeed, tokenization may require heavy CPU usage. I don't see how updating AlllenNLP can help. Maybe you have a suggestion on how we...

> Hi @HillZhang1999 Could you please suggest what changes did you made to use latest AllenNLP? Thanks! Maybe you can refer to this repo: https://github.com/HillZhang1999/MuCGEC/tree/main/models/seq2edit-based-CGEC

Same question, I finetuned an alpaca-lora using the author's code, and found it will generate a `` instead of `` at the end of response, which will result in some...

> Hi @ZHANG45 thanks for sharing the scripts and the detailed information. > > May I know how did you load the pre-trained T5 model before training? > > Also,...