
Results 13 comments of HikariKnight

I do not work with this on windows but i know with normal golang you have to pass `-ldflags -H=windowsgui` to `go build` to remove that command prompt on windows....

I get around this by "screensharing" my 1st monitor as a webcam instead, it looks completely stupid since the image is mirrored on your end, but not for the people...

> Thanks @Mitchou that actually works! > > But I'd still argue that the current behaviour is a bug though. There's no indication that the menu is actually available when...

@atonal440 @marcoceppi @crash101g open terminal and type `ujust use-stock-gamepads` and see if it works after a reboot once you have run that command

@crash101g not sure as i was just going after what has been the most common solution so far with some of these controllers i would say try get the ids...

Thats weird, i am not having this issue with any of my bluetooth dongles. out of curiosity can you check which dongle it is with the `lsusb` command? here is...

> AHA! this is what's been messing up all my controllers! I use an XBox One gamepad, which wouldn't even pair after switching from stock to bazzite, and a DS5,...

> > I don't have `ujust use-stock-gamepads` anymore nor do I have `ujust configure-gamepads` (and controller support is broken again for me) > > Same here on the desktop image....

Starting to think people were just on older images and did not have the newer modules 😅