Higo Ribeiro
Higo Ribeiro
Hi @Agilulfo1820 !! Could you try this? ```js async handle() { const job = await Bull.add(ImportTagsJob.key) await job.queue.close() } ``` In the **Bull's** doc there's the [Queue#close](https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull/blob/13194ea7de228d21bf2d0d5b1d61b7c56aa6f377/REFERENCE.md#queueclose) to disconnect from...
Hi @LeCoupa! A way to do this directly by Bull has not yet been implemented, but you can try it like this: ```ts Bull .getByKey('EmailPatternStatsJob') .bull .removeRepeatable('EmailPatternStatsJob', repeatOpts) ``` You...
Hi @rumoru. I'll check that out, but I think you're right
I've run some tests and they were in sequential. Did you change anything in the default options?
Fala @igortrinidad ! Primeiramente fico feliz com sua contribuição!! O projeto é para me atender, mas quanto mais pessoas forem atendidas melhor é ❤️ . Dei uma olhada no código...
Nice!! But all classes should be in the singular. I'll fix it.
Resolvers and schemas will be structured following the structure that AdonisJS adopts in its controllers, respecting its particularities. ## Defining the things Inside `start/graphql.js` you declare the schemas and resolvers....
On the commands I think of following the style adopted by migrations, where we will have the term `graphql` preceded by what we want. ## Exemples Make only the `schema`...