
Results 25 comments of Horu

> I feel reluctant to add support for unofficial mirrors because they are, well, completely unofficial and I don't want to be endorsing them. Do you know who hosts this...

> That is a legitimate reason, but the site could be malicious so I'm not sure I would trust it. That being said, I can look into implementing something like...

Any update on this?

> What kind of checks should there be in case the `lib.rs` exists? > > 1. Should it check if the `lib.rs` is empty? > 2. What if it is...

> Or if possible check Cargo.toml if it is a `[lib]` and then choose the action accordingly ....... This can also be clubbed with `--lib` or `--bin` flags in cli...

This is an issue with the toolchain itself, see rust-lang/rust#100215 for more info.

> @billy1624 I'm not sure whether @anshulxyz is still working on this issue or not but I'm going to start working to add support for the `trigger` first Do you...

> I'm currently in process of a [`0.10`](https://github.com/bikeshedder/deadpool/milestone/4) release and if replacing `log` by `tracing` solves 90% of the pain I'm more than happy to include it in this release:...

Hi, is there any update/progess made for this PR?

Understandable, thanks for your answer!