Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I removed the three lines regarding creature spawning and the result is the same.
That's not it either `Tweaker.setScriptStage("BIOME_REGISTRY") Tweaker.createBiome("basalt_plains","minecraft:hell") Tweaker.setWorld(-1) Tweaker.setScriptStage("FINISHED_LOAD") basaltP = forBiomes("biometweaker:basalt_plains") basaltP.set("temperature", 2.0) basaltP.set("genWeight", 1000) basaltP.set("skyColor", 4873389) basaltP.set("fogColor", 3160944) basaltP.set("name", "Basalt Plains") basaltP.set("topBlock", "quark:basalt") basaltP.set("fillerBlock", "quark:basalt") basaltP.addDicTypes("NETHER") basaltP.addToGeneration("DESERT", 2000) basaltP.addToGeneration("WARM",...
It indeed spawns in the overworld. From what I understand, this mod can't be used to make changes in the nether, at least by itself. I found somewhat of a...