Hiya, I was just wondering, does Shell extend the functionality of the native Win11 menu, or does it replace it entirely with a custom menu?
Is there an arm branch for RPi? I tried pulling this image to run in docker but get: `standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error`
Is there a changelog/comparison between this version and the old original one?
Hey there, thanks for this tool! I successfully edited my points in the second scramble slam, but now I'm up to the third and any changes to points made in...
Hey, just a quick question; have there been any reports of people getting their Google accounts banned due to use of the Unlimited Photos Storage feature?
Hi there, thanks for the module. I get this error when trying to install the v3.4 APK: "There was a problem parsing the package." v3.3 works perfectly. This is on...