Hessel van der Molen
Hessel van der Molen
Hm, your issue states two things: - the code shows "ImportError: No module named terminal_color" - whereas you state "ImportError: cannot import name ansi" Have you seen [this issue](https://github.com/ros/catkin/issues/956) ?...
Any updates on this?
The error is a linking-error: some files are not in the rootfs. If you downloaded and install OpenCV directly on your rasberrpy pi (instead of crosscompiling) it is likely the...
I haven't looked at ROS in a very long time. I've done a large update to the guide 2 years ago, but only managed to update the guide up till...
I guess the issue is the `Callback=NULL` and the mutex handling in `takePicture` in `private_still_impl.cpp`: as no callback is defined, the code does not know when an image is retrieved....
After messing around with this library and others, I suspect the issue is not in the callback mentioned before, but might be in the configuration of the preview-channel. As I...
@cedricve Direct integration might not be an option I think, as I adopted and merged ideas and code from several libraries and fitted that with my own needs/requirements. I did...
Hi @dleach02 : yes, we have a full product line based on the qn9090 running Zephyr. A partner of us is using the same HAL to support the K32W061, as...