
Results 3 issues of HelloLBJ

## Current use version? #### 当前使用的版本是多少? ``` v3.10.5 ``` ## Will this problem occur in demo? #### Demo能否复现这问题? ``` 能 ``` ## Describe the problem or provide an error log?...

微信中保存1M多的视频经过剪切变成6M多,只设置这两个属性,视频宽高为原视频宽高 outputOption.frameRate = 30;//输出视频帧率,默认30 outputOption.bitRate = 10;//输出视频码率,默认10

in Android file ImageGallerySaverPlugin.kt method saveImageToGallery() ` val file = generateFile("jpg", name = name) bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality, fos) ` image is jpg ,no png, i need alpha, so val file =...