Hermes Honshappo
Hermes Honshappo
Hello Been trying to use the HA integration as well as the command-line tool. It worked a long time ago, maybe a yea, back when we had to get the...
Actuellement sur version : v0.9.3 MED calcule pour chaque mériode la consommation en Wh, kWh, mais aussi un prix associé. Ce prix est loggué dans Influx DB de 2 manières...
Hello 1st: thanks for the integration. Love it 2nd: I see that people have developped their own cards. Maybe you could add a wiki page linking to cards, like MadMartigan...
Title says it all, pretty much. Both the and the script reference this link: , but this link returns a 404 error
Can't really explain when it happened, but the uPNP sensor couldn't detect my xbox reliably anymore Example below. The first 2 sensors are generated by node-red, and show that xbox...