
Results 5 issues of HenryZ


> 接下来的示例代码运行了程序 wc,它的标准输出绑定到了一个管道的读端口。 这句话对应原书中: > The following example code runs the program wc with standard input connected to the read end of a pipe. 这里应该是wc的标准输入绑定到了管道的读端? > By convention, a process...

Hello, Can you please provide the config file of training ImageNet1k? Thanks!

Hello, Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work. I have two question: 1. When I finish running the experiment, I can see many log files. For example, when...

Hello, as you reported in the paper, the imagenet-r with covariate domain shift is a new benchmark evaluating the semantic and covariate shift, which can be seen as a task-agnostic...