Henry Wu
Henry Wu
> 我查了一些资料,我想到了一种可能的绕过方式。Glide 提供了自定义解码器的能力,阿里云刚好也有一个开源的解码器。如果集成这个 `HEIF` 解码器,而不使用安卓自带的解码器能否绕过这个问题? > > 阿里云的开源 HEIF 解码器: https://github.com/aliyun/heif-decoder-lib 阿里云的开源 HEIF 解码器文档: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/468071.html 尝试了一下没有效果,看了一下最后已缓存的图片图片是通过 ``subsampling-scale-image-view`` 加载的,这样就跟 Glide 没有关系了,是 SSIV 的问题。或许大佬可以看一下 tachiyomi 的这个 fork? 他们使用 c++ 写了一个 decoder。但是却少了一些东西像是EXIF_OREINTATION, image...
嗯嗯,这是我之前上个 issue 中那三张 HEIC 图片的 Url: - https://rexu-forum-1308280730.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/image/2022/11/09/89be250d8fa24248aa8104816819a805.heic - https://rexu-forum-1308280730.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/image/2022/11/09/b7ee61002e974ee7b693e7471351d108.heic - https://rexu-forum-1308280730.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/image/2022/11/09/d36ea9faffb246809ba11b535182e7d1.heic
> Is there a non-brew solution for this 😞 ? ``Right click`` the application and then click ``Open`` the application. This is an universal solution for all macOS application saying...
My issue was resolved after I agreed Apple's Developer terms & policy on: https://developer.apple.com
+1 for this.
Update: Ignore this, it does not work at all. For those who encounter this issue, you have to restore the model like this: ```Python model.saver = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph('./model/lightgcn.meta') model.saver.restore(model.sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./model')) ```
I'm facing a same situation here, I'm using a third-party avatar library called ``react-native-userpic``. If I understand the document correctly, this should be working. But I gave me even more...
> I'm facing a same situation here, I'm using a third-party avatar library called `react-native-userpic`. If I understand the document correctly, this should be working. But I gave me even...
> you need to declare types. > > https://github.com/marklawlor/nativewind/blob/main/packages/react-native-css-interop/types.d.ts Thank you for the hint. After I changed ``tsx`` to ``jsx``, the error is gone. But sizeName is not taking effect...