> The error occurs when installing halpecocotools, so I installed it manually with pip: > > ``` > pip install halpecocotools > ``` > > When I re-ran setup, SciPy...
Hi, could I ask what does ''transl_camsys" in this line mean? : https://github.com/Jeff-sjtu/HybrIK/blob/9b8681dcf3c902dd5dacc01520ba04982990e1e2/scripts/demo_video.py#L332 What is its role and how can I find it in the paper? Thank you!
Hi, could you you tell me how to know the position of the mesh model in world? Or which code line show it?
Hi, can I ask about this line in visualizer3d.py ```self.pl.camera.position = (self.distance, 0, 0)```, is the camera position parameter is in xyz or zxy?
Hi, I couldn't see the sample.pkl file in this repostory, where can I find it? Could you give me a link to this pkl file?