R.matlab copied to clipboard
R package: R.matlab
Hi there. I'm trying to export a structure (i.e. list) from R to a .mat file. Lets look at the following code. ``` r C
Hi! Great work,man! I am importing a Matlab structure into R using `readMat`, and my issue is that the field names were not imported. I included the option `fixNames=TRUE`. Thanks!
In MATLAB v7.3 and above, there's a new MAT file format labelled ["v7.3"](http://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/mat-file-versions.html) and are saved in MATLAB using version argument `-v7.3`. This creates a MAT file that is in...
Hi, everyone! I encountered a problem when get a string array using getVariable function. Here is a example code . My platform is PCWIN64 ,my matlab version is R2020b. The...
Hi, I am a regular user of R.matlab but one situation has arisen that I don't have a good solution for. I have a mat file with 45 slots, all...
The `.mat` files in the Contest-data directory here: https://osf.io/xvtuy/?view_only=48ae607af38249cdb59965d2f11175b6 are not correctly read by `readMat` The files are read correctly by Octave.
Hi Henrik, Thanks for the useful package! i'm having an issue where nested structure fields aren't being imported with their names. Mat file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ls8jzre5dyvf6xu/rmatlab_example.mat?dl=0. Any help greatly appreciated!...
In R, I save R object as list of list. For example, `bias$normal$alpha` and save it to .mat (by R.matlab 3.6.2). However, the `alpha` is missing in MATLAB after loading...
Hello, I have this code in MATLAB: ``` matlab for row = 1:size(sim_values, 1) % we run only 1 simulation of 100 iterations/trials here disp('Current Simulation: '); disp(sim_values{row, :}); tic...
As reported in Issue #5, it is not possible to retrieve a field of a Matlab structure using `getVariable()`, e.g. `getVariable(matlab, "x.a")` This is simply because the field is not...