R.matlab copied to clipboard
Feature request: Make it possible to retrieve a field of a structure
As reported in Issue #5, it is not possible to retrieve a field of a Matlab structure using getVariable()
, e.g. getVariable(matlab, "x.a")
This is simply because the field is not a Matlab variable by itself. The workaround is to assign to a temporary variable and retrieve that, e.g.
evaluate(matlab, "tmp = x.a;")
x.a <- getVariable(matlab, "tmp")
Full details below.
A solution would possibly be to make getVariable()
handle also getVariable(matlab, "x.a")
or alternatively adding getField(matlab, "x.a")
or getValue(matlab, "x.a")
Starting and connection to Matlab server
> library("R.matlab")
> Matlab$startServer()
[1] 0
Warning: No window system found. Java option 'MWT' ignored
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2012a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
February 9, 2012
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.
Running MatlabServer v3.0.2
MATLAB v7.x or higher detected.
Saving with option -V6.
Added InputStreamByteWrapper to dynamic Java CLASSPATH.
MATLAB server started!
MATLAB working directory: /home/henrik/tmp
Trying to open server socket (port 9999)...done.
Waiting for client to connect (port 9999)...
> matlab <- Matlab()
> if (!isOpen(matlab)) open(matlab)
[1] TRUE
> connected.
Setting up a Matlab structure
> evaluate(matlab, "x = struct('a', 1:2);")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "x = struct('a', 1:2);"
Sent byte: 0
> evaluate(matlab, "x")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "x"
x =
a: [1 2]
Sent byte: 0
> evaluate(matlab, "x.a")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "x.a"
ans =
1 2
Sent byte: 0
Retrieving it
> x <- getVariable(matlab, "x")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "variables = {'x'};"
Sent byte: 0
Received cmd: 2
save(tmpname, '-V6', 'x')
> answer=0
> x
, , 1
a Numeric,2
[1] "MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: GLNXA64, Created on: Wed Dec 17 13:50:08 2014 "
[1] "5"
[1] "little"
Retrieving a specific field of a structure
It is not possible to retrieve a field of a structure directly, e.g.
> x.a <- getVariable(matlab, "x.a")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "variables = {'x.a'};"
Sent byte: 0
Received cmd: 2
Variable 'x.a' not found.
Error in readChar(con = con, nchars = nbrOfBytes) :
invalid 'nchars' argument
(Here you actually need to restart the Matlab server etc. to get things working again, cf. Issue #7.)
Workaround: Assign the field to an temporary variable and retrieve that, e.g.
> evaluate(matlab, "tmp = x.a;")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "tmp = x.a;"
Sent byte: 0
> x.a <- getVariable(matlab, "tmp")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "variables = {'tmp'};"
Sent byte: 0
Received cmd: 2
save(tmpname, '-V6', 'tmp')
> answer=0
> x.a <- getVariable(matlab, "tmp")
Received cmd: 1
"eval" string: "variables = {'tmp'};"
Sent byte: 0
Received cmd: 2
save(tmpname, '-V6', 'tmp')
> answer=0
> x.a
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
[1] "MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: GLNXA64, Created on: Wed Dec 17 14:00:33 2014 "
[1] "5"
[1] "little"