Henning Scheufler
Henning Scheufler
A hacky method with type checking that work with sqlite is ```python from sqlalchemy import Column from typing import List # from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB from sqlmodel import Field from...
Does this work? ``` @validator('adddresses') def val_b(cls, value): print(value) return [v.dict() for v in value] ```
setuptools offers the possiblity to call commands before and after the packaging see pull request 136
I could also reproduce this issue on ubuntu 20.04 using a miniconda with a python version 3.8: Following output is produced: ``` pyfmi.fmi.InvalidBinaryException: The FMU could not be loaded. Error...
The python interpreter gets found by: `find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)` However, this line (tested with cmake version 3.21.3) always find the newest interpreter which explains why it always links...
Sadly, Im currently short on time There might be a logical bug with maxCellLevel. This software design is different and the selection procedure should be more extensible. The idea of...