just an educated guess: your cmake version doesn't fit. can you upgrade/downgrade your cmake version to 3.23.0 (like github action) **why i think it's cmake:** in euphonium i tried to...
accidently i stumbled upon the Dockerfile. There is a fix(?) in line 21: `RUN sed -i 's/VERSION 3.18/VERSION 3.16/' ../CMakeLists.txt` but i don't see where this command would change anything...
i can see clearer now: the github action uses cmake from within the container espressif/idf:release-v4.4. it uses cmake in version 3.20.3 But i now have tested a new way to...
@nvschilleman did you manage to compile cspot?
you are wrong: > The LGPL is a weaker form of the GPL that is not contagious over library boundaries. Originally, LGPL was read out as Library General Public License....
This part of the LGPL is completely new for me. Thank you for pushing me onto it! But as i read the FAQ john30 could just publish the *.o files...
No, you need an adapter.
I used FHEM and had similar issues. The ebus-esp came back to the wifi-network but FHEM, ebusd or the esp had some trouble to reinit properly. Until today in the...
The toggle could be done via GPIO_NUM_39 as far as i know (https://github.com/pschatzmann/arduino-audiokit has got it working). it's on my todo, if @feelfreelinux is not faster then me...
i have an ai thinker board v2.2 3478 with ESP32-A1S v2974 Headphone Jack: working (with Volume control) LineOut: working (with Volume control)