are you from Denmark or the Netherlands? Spotify don't likes you :-D There is an ongoing issue for different spotify connect implementations. just search for "ap-gew4 spotify" or look here:...
Hier ( https://github.com/skuethe/MMM-Spotify) hat hat jemand ein Plugin für das MagicMirror Projekt geschrieben, welches die song/album/Track Information per Spotify API abgreift. MagicMirror basiert auch auf nodejs.
i don't know in detail. I made this change because i realised, that ionic in default compiled ECMA2015, ES5 and ES6 while chrome is happy with ES6. you can add...
The newer ai thinker boards are having ES8388 as DAC chips. What board version do you have (printed on the front) and what ESP32-A2S Version do you have? Printed on...
Can confirm - 2974 has ES8388 inside. You may need an older cspot version - i have the same promblems while compiling.
i think @anabolyc solved the issue too in his PR #109 , so i won't make another PR out of your edit. can you tell me if you used lineout...
take a look here: https://github.com/feelfreelinux/cspot/issues/127#issuecomment-1199164322 maybe it's the same but different.
glad to read you managed to compile cspot. i can reproduce your lineout 'experience'. you can test euphonium: https://github.com/feelfreelinux/euphonium cspot is integrated there and line out is working over there...
you don't need to install a virtualbox machine. WSL2 could help you too. https://github.com/HeikoGr/euphonium/wiki/using-Windows-Subsystem-for-Linux-(WSL)-for-compilation this should work for cspot alone as well... BUT: you can't flash via WSL2 without porblems....
Did you install the dependencies? `sudo pip3 install protobuf grpcio-tools` maybe you also need to install protobuf-compiler. I can’t test it now. `sudo apt install protobuf-compiler`