Heidi Seibold
Heidi Seibold
Thanks @noamross this worked for me too!
Thanks @pavinduLakshan! :clap: The page has moved here: https://docs.openml.org/ As we are building a new version of the website.
Cool thanks @prabhant :clap:
Maybe someone would be interested in adding all the contributors to the READMEs in the respective repositories (for now openml/OpenML, openml/blog, openml/Openml.org, but potentially in all repos). I think this...
Do the data packages use schema.org description? Then we could solve two problems at once. See #482 (and https://github.com/datahq/datahub-qa/issues/33#event-1805583144)
#959 is related, but it's maybe a bit of different idea behind it. Happy to discuss
Hi @sckott, thanks for the quick answer. I've been using only `cr_cn()` so far to get paper infos from DOIs and to me it does not really matter what happens...
No worries, it's not something urgent. Thanks for letting me know ;)
Unfortunately I cannot check because the installation failed, see here: https://github.com/jeroen/V8/issues/49 Will keep you updated.
Installation worked now, but I still have the same issue (see jeroen/V8#48) ``` r library("DiagrammeR") library("DiagrammeRsvg") # Create node data frame (ndf) ndf Session info ------------------------------------------------------------- #> setting value #>...