I am running a few championships in which racers make their personalized skins, often to match their real live liveries. In this context before using server manager (which is doing...
{ "enabled": true, "detailsMode": 2, "port": 8085, "downloadSpeedLimit": 0, -- also this "verboseLog": true, "description": null, "downloadPasswordOnly": true, "publishPasswordChecksum": true }
Perhaps only for key pages that are likely to be driver-facing?
Hi, thanks for the suggestion! The times were kept separate originally to keep viewers of live timings informed on which driver is which on the server. Unfortunately just using the...
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/669254554893942784/677222222934310930/Annotation_2020-02-12_193851.jpg?width=666&height=917 Just leaving that so I remember that this is definitely possible.
Maybe make them searchable?
Use dragula for grouping?