Heather Hillers
Heather Hillers
The problem seems to occur in src/roam/infodock.py:create_data_html:642 where the html for the image is set. The function is not aware that the current attribute was saved to file, and in...
ok. This is a Problem between me and Qgis, not Roam. I started again from scratch and built a new Project in Roam in Gauß Krüger, and that worked. The...
Thanks for the advice. I'll try that out.
But, when would you use a custom widget and not need custom code behind it? Seems like once you go down that path you should just go all the way....
So I'm having the same elements that would be generated by config manager, but I can control how they look by setting them up in designer myself? So I can...
I agree with the not reinventing qgis. On the other Hand, the developers are always going to be pressured to do just this one Thing or the other by their...
I am seeing this with a fresh OSGeo4W Network Installer install of the qgis-ltr Prizren: This version comes with pyqtgraph version 0.13.6 QGIS version 3.34.6-Prizren QGIS code revision 623828f5 Qt...