[bandicam 2020-12-07 19-35-24-440 (2).zip](https://github.com/makehumancommunity/makehuman-plugin-for-blender/files/5656048/bandicam.2020-12-07.19-35-24-440.2.zip) I think it may be that pose which is awkward. export the pose first
? may you explain more?
I think maybe the pose, the normal makehuman poses work without distortion
The poseur maybe didn't touch those bones during the posing.. he maybe was only moving the chin, eyes, etc., expect for the on that is distorted
I know a fix..... Don't press sync to MH. don't worry your Ik and FK and syncing pose will still work
Id wish I could close this......
You could go here http://www.makehumancommunity.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=3&sid=4f77d75bce63941562169be2cf3b0365 and make an account and post it here http://www.makehumancommunity.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=3&sid=4f77d75bce63941562169be2cf3b0365