## Description Lunar calendars are weird, and may need a different calculation approach compared to normal calendars. Normal calendars have a set number of days per month, while lunar calendars...
## Description Being able to add sidereal month length, orbital inclination and eccentricity, apogee, perigee and orbital position would allow users to more easily do things like model eclipses, super-moons,...
## Description Calendars that are private but can be accessed with a password has been requested in the past.
## Description Stub ticket for multiple potential improvements: - Having multi-day events that visually span days would add value and visual interest
## Description A step by step calendar wizard would add some value, though we would need to think through what the best way to do this would be. Two approaches...
## Description Being able to allow OAuth through FC and its other services would allow us to create sub-sites for Fantasy Calendar for suggestions, or other services. - Laravel Passport...
## Description We are getting rid of the view and edit modes in favor of in-place editing. ## Dependencies & Sub-Tasks API Drafts
## Description Tracking drafts and versions of the calendar would be useful for people to be able to control their calendar's versions ## Dependencies & Sub-Tasks Server side tables
## Description Currently, calendars have a single active layout - changing it to a client side setting to allow users to view the calendar in their own way would be...