Hi, I have the same problem, I think that the reason for the error is that you exceed twitter API. I am using FAST parameter too and in the documentation...
@mkearney maybe is problem in this line: `dplyr:::left_join.data.frame(dd1, dd2, by = "user_id")` Does error mean that user_id cant joins together with results? The problem can be in parameter `by =...
Hi, I have the same problem: tweetbotornot("realdonaldtrump") Error in readRDS(x) : error reading from connection I thing this isn't problem with token. For userTimeline() function I have good results: userTimeline("realdonaldtrump",...
Hi guys, today I solved the problem. I used different authorization which not work with this package. Before I used: consumer_key
Same problem... retryonratelimit will be very handy...