H.NotifyIcon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
H.NotifyIcon copied to clipboard

TrayIcon for WPF/WinUI/Uno/MAUI

Results 36 H.NotifyIcon issues
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### Discussed in https://github.com/HavenDV/H.NotifyIcon/discussions/143 Originally posted by **TRadigk** March 2, 2024 Hi, consider following xaml for a window (from base Winui project): ``` Click Me ``` with following code behind:...

### Describe the bug **Error:** Exception thrown at 0x00007FFDC50BDE84 (Microsoft. UI. Windowing. Core. dll) (located in App1. exe): 0xC000000 5: An access violation occurred while reading position 0x0000000000030. ### Steps...


According https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/6723#issuecomment-1763345268

### Describe the bug I was not able to get Click events triggered in PopupMenu mode. Win App R v1.3.3, or 1.4 Using the Command property the same behaviour can...


## What would you like to be added: I need to update items' status, like disable/enable, through an update pattern before the context menu shows. Currently, I use TrayIconWithContextMenu and...

### Describe the bug ### Steps to reproduce the bug _No response_ ### Expected behavior mouse hover can display the tooltip ### Screenshots _No response_ ### NuGet package version NotifyIcon.WinUI:2.0.108...


### Describe the bug In Scighost/Starward using the H.NotifyIcon project, the TrayIcon cannot be generated. Starward's author stated that the problem came from an internal error by H.NotifyIcon, leaving him...


### Describe the bug When using **DoubleClickCommand** binding instead of **LeftClickCommand** binding command is never called. Testing was done under _Windows 11_ with TargetFramework _net7.0-windows10.0.19041.0_ as specified in the MAUI...


### Describe the bug ``` MenuFlyoutName.Items.Add(new MenuFlyoutItem() { Text = "new added" }); ``` changing MenuFlyou.Items doesn't change context menu If set ContextMenuMode=PopupMenu or ActiveWindow, context menu does change. ###...


Can H.NotifyIcon be used in Winform?