H.NotifyIcon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
H.NotifyIcon copied to clipboard

TrayIcon for WPF/WinUI/Uno/MAUI

Results 36 H.NotifyIcon issues
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### Describe the bug When I run the app and hover over the system tray icon, it crashes with a NullReferenceException. ``` System.NullReferenceException HResult=0x80004003 Message = Object reference not set...


### Describe the bug When migrating from Laptop resolution (2140p display), to a 1080p display, the context menu of the notification icon area will appear in a scaled/wrong location on...


### Describe the bug I really appreciate the idea of the new context menu option. Yet I found in my own project that its window size and the menu item...


### Describe the bug Maybe I missed something but I created a simple TrayIcon with a tooltip+icon Icon is showing correctly but no tooltip appears when moving the mouse over...


Hello, Great job! I found one potential issue on Win10. When I click Windows logo or the search area in Windows taskbar, to open Windows menu like this: ![obraz](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2720485/127781399-4c3ec3de-8540-4053-8777-55ae96859d19.png) and...


## What would you like to be added: ## Why is this needed: ## For which Platform: - [ ] All - [ ] WPF - [ ] WinUI -...


### Describe the bug Unpackaged WinUI applications crash when providing an `ms-appx` URI to `IconSource`. This is likely because the `StorageFile` API used for loading images requires package identity[^1]. https://github.com/HavenDV/H.NotifyIcon/blob/1d3326c7e02917e843547df68b81b2f91480a3af/src/libs/H.NotifyIcon.Shared/Utilities/ImageExtensions.cs#L24-L25...


### Describe the bug For the default WinUI ContextMenu (PopupMenu) there is currently no way to manage this data ### Steps to reproduce the bug - ### Expected behavior _No...


this control does not support RTL flow like arabic language.

Bumps the all group with 2 updates: [MSTest.TestAdapter](https://github.com/microsoft/testfx) and [MSTest.TestFramework](https://github.com/microsoft/testfx). Updates `MSTest.TestAdapter` from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 Release notes Sourced from MSTest.TestAdapter's releases. v3.2.1 See the release notes here. Changelog Sourced...
