
Results 234 comments of HaveAGitGat

Ok thanks, yeah memory issues are always a pain but let me know if you re-encounter the issue and can have another look at the process and subprocess details,

@Brendonwbrown yes it's normal to have multiple runtime processes. Each time a subprocess is created, a new runtime process appears. A node with 1 worker running will have at least...

@kramttocs are you adding more files to Tdarr? This will cause more ram usage over time.

Should be separate but could be that the game is for some reason using the video encoder for something or also could be Window/Nvidia game tools which record the last...

Seems internal FFmpeg bug so we'd need to open a bug report here most likely where we can add input file: https://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html

Could this be due to Tdarr starting up and scanning before network drive has fully connected? Causing files to be removed and then re-added?

Do you have any more info on your environment? I have tried with that exact file name using plugin stack and flows and it has come out as successful for...

Just checking but might you have had 2 libraries with the same name? Did you try restarting Tdarr server process?

:) Could try checking the `Tdarr/DB2/LibrarySettingsJSONDB` folder to check if the old library is still hanging around. Each library is a separate file and you can see the name within...