As I understood (I may be wrong), you need to install cmake-js ([`npm i cmake-js`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cmake-js))
As the README says, simply go to the badge arcade help desk to put everything back to normal.
Also having this exact same issue
Technically, my account exists, the Account button just doesn't bring to it. https://www.terminalizer.com/explore/user/%23Guigui
Having the same exact issue here.
The biggest change i felt like when porting my scenes from 3.0 to 4.0 would be the change to the tilemap system. And here, I think that's what broke. ##...
nevermind middle of the edge is intended it's just the other circles end up misaligned for a reason I don't know
This is something related to `libbass.so` (the BASS library) not being found in any of the given folders in the error, however I have never tried installing shellrhythm on Mac...
Probably, I should also open a PR for the Linux part
Had a similar issue, but fixed it by running python as administrator.